Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Rush

It was brought to my attention by one of my readers that she was concerned about me because I had been kind of quiet the last few months!  That may be an understatement for me.  My days are consumed by my big kid job and my evenings spent in the barns checking with my kids, or out enjoying the fact that I am 25 healthy, and totally blessed.

I do have to brag on my kids.  The pictures will come later, but I have been blessed with some amazing families to work with.  There were events that transpired differently than we had hoped, there were goals we reached even with our naysayers in our ears telling us there was no way that we could do it. We reached landmarks with some of my kids, we ended careers, but it I would not have changed the journey for anything.

Before I get all sappy, I just want to say that if you are out there and your kids are showing livestock or want to show livestock they have the opportunity to be a part of this too.  I am always taking on new families, whether it is one session or you want to become a part of the K.A. Livestock Service Team, we can find the fit for you.

Results for the 2014 Season as of July 26th

Maine Anjou/ Chianina Junior Nationals
Chi Intermediate Showmanship - Abbey Pitstick
Maine Senior Showmanship - Cameron Alexander & Kaitlyn Carey
Bred & Owned Division - Cameron Alexander
2nd in Class - Abbey Pitstick

Clinton County Fair
Reserve 14 Year Old Sheep Showman - Olivia Wood
Supreme Beef Showman - Olivia Wood
Third Overall Senior Showman - Kaitlyn Carey
Champion Intermediate Showman - Avery Wood
Reserve Grand Champion Homegrown Lamb - Olivia Wood
Reserve Feeder Steer - Kaitlyn Carey
Grand Champion County Raised/ HomeGrown Breeding Heifer - Kaitlyn Carey
Supreme Champion Female (Champion AOB)- Kaitlyn Carey
Reserve Supreme Female (Champion Commercial) - Avery Wood

Fayette County Fair
Supreme Champion Female - Jacob Sears (Raised by Alexander Show Cattle/ Pilot Knob Enterprises)

Ohio State Fair
Grand Champion Bred & Owned Maine Anjou Female - Kaitlyn Carey

Good luck to my "little" (I use the term loosely) brother Cameron and Kaitlyn Carey today in their exhibitions at the Ohio State Fair Open Maine Anjou Show.

If you want to be a part of this contact us at

Kaitlyn Carey, you have brought me to tears.  I can't tell you how proud I am of you.  The last seven years with you on our team has been amazing.  This being your final year of 4-H has proven no different.  I know there are some goals we didn't reach, but there have been some that we never dreamed would come and you made them happen.  You have been an absolute joy to have on the team and I hope you stick around even though you are old now.  Kate is a vet student now at the University of Findlay and made both the North American and the National Western Stock show teams for the University. 

Abbigail Pitstick and CKA Darcy - Raised by Cameron Alexander - Alexander Show Cattle/Pilot Knob Ent.  Abbigail has done an amazing job all year with Darcy.  Abbey has never shown anything, and she made the cut at the Chi Junior Nationals this summer as well as worked her way to three top ten finishes in the BEST Program. Thank you to the Pitstick family for all of their hard work, and dedication

Congratulations to the Sears Family this is their second year with me. I am so proud of this young man and his improvement and hard work over the last year! Great job Jake & Stella.  This calf was raised by me out of my last Jr. Maine Anjou, she's a Monopoly x Sooner Son.

Oliva & Avery Wood you guys are awesome.  This family has been friends for years and came to me for assistance when they went from exhibiting sheep to exhibiting beef cattle.  They rocked the BEST program all season and continued it right on into the summer. The Quallen Family was also part of our adventure this winter and Haley was always adding a laugh and 'W' to the team!
I would not change what I do for anything.  Thank you to all of my 2014 Families can't wait to see your pictures next year!

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