Sunday, March 12, 2017

Here to Help

As a child, I had my fair share of ups and downs in my career as a showman, what showman doesn't. When I decided that coaching was what I wanted to do to give back to all those who had helped me.
I have had a fair amount of success in the show ring, I don't need to list my successes to prove that. I am here to help, I have been out of showing as a junior for five years.  I love the kids and have a passion for helping them reach their goals.  I was approached to assist in helping some local starter 4-Hers in learn the basics of daily care, and show day preparations. I was thrilled. We have things all planned out and have named the event appropriately.  The Showman to Showman Clinic is just that, past showman helping current and future showman. This is not a mandatory event for anyone, this is a choice to take advantage of people willing to donate their time to help the kids learn.  It is open to any and all 4-Hers, bring your calves, get hands on experience.  There is no shame in asking questions.
The expert at anything was once a beginner, and we help the littles because we were once little and many helped us.
We are looking forward to welcoming so many volunteers and experts to help us with a fantastic day of learning.
Fitting & Clipping : Cameron Alexander- Alexander Show Cattle
Feed/Nutrition/Supply Information: Melissa Alexander - Alexander Show Feeds
Daily Care/Showmanship: Kayla Alexander - K.A. Livestock Services
Facility Sponsor: Clinton County Ag. Society
Thank you to Karla Dean and her family for approaching us about
Check out the website for more information. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call/text/email us at any time.

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